Sick Policy

We follow strict guidelines in regard to our sick policies.  This is the most difficult policy for parents and we want to support every family in understanding our sick policy. We are committed to maintaining a healthy environment for all of our students and teachers. If your child is sent home they may not return to school the next day. All sicknesses require a child to be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours and without the use of medication. Your child may not attend school if they have the following:

  • Fever over 100F

  • Diarrhea (more than one abnormally loose stool) - may return after 24 hours and when a normal, solid BM has happened

  • Vomiting - may return after a minimum of 24 hours symptom free

  • Nausea

  • Severe cough

  • Unusual yellow color to skin or eyes

  • Skin or eye lesions or rashes that are severe, weeping, or pus-filled

  • Stiff neck and headache with one or more of the symptoms listed above

  • Difficult breathing or abnormal wheezing

  • Complaints of severe pain  


A normal cold will present with symptoms such as runny nose and cough and may not have a fever. While mild symptoms are permitted at school if your child is coughing persistently and has a runny nose that is a constant faucet they may not attend school. Mild symptoms is an occasional cough or an occasional need to wipe a nose. Children must be able to participate in their normal daily activities.


A fever is a temperature over 100F. Your child must be fever-free for a minimum of 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication.

Hand, Foot, and Mouth

This is a very common and very contagious childhood virus. Most often small dots appear in the mouth, on palms of hands and feet. Other common areas include: all around the mouth, creases of legs or elbows. Typically a fever occurs before the rash/sores do. Your child may not attend school for 5 days no exceptions. If there is a HFM case in the classroom and a rash of any kind appears on your child you may not attend school without a diagnosis from a doctor. Siblings must remain home together should one have HFM. If there are several children who come down with HFM we will close the classroom for 24 hours to sanitize and allow for the children to either come down with the virus or not, this really helps minimize the spread of this highly contagious virus.


Symptoms include runny nose, low appetite, coughing, sneezing and fever. This virus is particularly dangerous for young children and their respiratory system and can cause hospitalization. Labored breathing is something to monitor for. Children diagnosed with RSV may not attend school for a minimum of 5 days. Sibling must remain home together should one have RSV. If multiple children come down with RSV we will close the class for 24 hours to sanitize.


Croup is a highly contagious illness with symptoms that include a seal like barking cough, fever and runny nose. Your child and sibling may not attend school if one child has this virus. Please keep your child for 72 hours from the onset of symptoms and they must also be 24 hours fever free without the use of reducing medication. Your child must remain home for 72 hours even if they do not present a fever and especially if the illness is reported to your child’s class.


When diagnosed with COVID children will follow the same guidelines as a typical cold / flu. They may not attend school unless they are not using fever reducing medication for at least 24 hours and symptoms are improving and very mild.

Sibling Policy

Communication when children are sick is of the utmost importance. We are very reasonable when determining when children are able to return to school. There are some sicknesses, such as the ones listed above, that siblings must remain home together due to the severity and how contagious a virus may be. Please don’t hesitate to contact Jen for questions or to determine sibling requirements 541-633-4723 - you can also contact her using the Admin feature on Brightwheel.

Being sent home from school / Returning to school

Children must be able to participate in all activities. A child who has signs of illness shall be isolated and the parent(s) notified to pick up the child within 30 minutes.  If a child is sent home from school they may not return the very next day. We require children to be symptom free for a minimum of 24 hours. If a child has diarrhea they must have a solid bowel movement before returning to school. Children in preschool are not diligent in preventing the spread of illness. We can encourage washing hands often, try to ask children to cover their mouth and wipe noses but the spread of illness happens quickly among groups of children. We strive to keep our classes healthy and ask parents to please keep children home if they are not well.

If Active Learning Academy has to close classes due to lack of staffing due to sicknesses or other situations, tuition is still due in full. Please contact Jen at any time to review symptoms and exclusion requirements (541) 633-4723 - you can also contact her using the Admin feature on Brightwheel.


we do everything we can to cover classes when teachers are sick however, if Both teachers get sick the class will close. following our sick policies doesn’t just avoid sickness in children but it also keeps our teachers healthy.